This is part 1 of the CTRT series. You can read the complete series here:
- Part 1: Rendering a Sphere
- Part 2: BRDFs and Shadows
- Part 3: Phong and Reflections
In today’s travel, we will be discussing how to design the world’s fastest
runtime ray tracer. Specifically, we are going to be implementing a ray tracer
that performs all of the calculations at compile-time, so that once the compiler
finishes running, we are left with the fully rendered image. This project
provides us with an excuse to dive into the world of constexpr
functions and
explore several compile-time patterns such as CRTP, compile-time polymorphism,
amongst others.
Before we get started, let’s lay down some ground rules:
- Only C++17 features are allowed. This choice is mostly due to the fact that neither MSVC nor CMake have a dedicated C++20 flag yet. In addition, I haven’t read enough about the new features to figure out how they could be applied.
- All computations must be done at compile-time through
functions (so no template meta-programming). - The
function must be trivial. In other words, it should only be allowed to grab the final rendered image and save it. Nothing else. - To make things more interesting, we are only allowed to use the following external libraries:
Now that we have set the ground rules, let’s begin where most graphics projects often start: the linear algebra classes.
We will not be discussing the fundamentals of ray tracing beyond what is required for the design of the ray tracer. Furthermore, we will also not be talking about all of the C++ features used in the implementation aside from those that are new or are used in a different way.
At the top of each section, you will find links to all the files that are discussed there in case you want to read the code along with the explanations. The entire source code for this post can be seen here
From the Ground-Up: The Vector
The vector class we’ll be designing for this project is relatively simple. Since we may want to switch between floats and doubles (if nothing else for the sake of testing performance), we will be templating the class as follows:
Our vector needs some data, so let’s decide how we’re going to hold it in the class. We could:
- Hold three variables of type
representing the $x, y, z$ coordinates, or - Hold an array of type
and size 3.
“But wait! There’s a third option” You may say. Indeed, we could use a fairly common trick in computer graphics and declare our class with something like this:
This option offers us the best of both worlds: we can access each component of the vector individually as a coordinate or we can treat it as an array. So why wasn’t that mentioned in the 2 options? Well, let’s try it! After adding a couple of constructors to the class, consider then the following code:
Compiling with MSVC gives us the following errors:
So, what is going on? This pattern will work correctly if we remove the
qualifiers, but since that would defeat the purpose of the entire
exercise, we need to figure out what the problem is. If we read through the
documentation regarding constant expressions, we will find the following:
A core constant expression is any expression whose evaluation would not evaluate any of the following: […]
- an lvalue-to-rvalue implicit conversion or modification applied to a non-active member of a union or its subobject
In simple terms: we are not allowed to change the value of a non-active member
of the union. In our case, v.x
is not active, and therefore we cannot modify
it. Since we aren’t allowed to use the union, we are left with the two options
we discussed earlier. To simplify things, we are going to be doing a hybrid of
options one and two by declaring the array of type T
and then writing
functions to allow us to access the individual coordinates of the vector. In
short, we are left with something like this:
Note that we are providing overloads for const
access as well as regular
access (similar to how we would overload operator[]
which we will be
Now that we have the basic class defined, let’s discuss the operators.
For starters, we are going to need to perform the following:
- Add and subtract two vectors,
- Multiply a vector by a scalar (and divide for convenience),
- Negate a vector,
- Dot and cross products,
- Take the length and squared length of a vector, and normalise it.
We could implement the operators as one would expect, but instead we’re going to dig into our bag of tricks and realise that ultimately all of the arithmetic operators can be implemented as a function that gets applied to the array held by the vector. So, instead of manually setting the individual components, we’re going to use lambdas to transform them instead. Our first attempt would look something like this:
Unfortunately this won’t compile on the back of std::transform
. As of C++17,
the algorithms in the STL are not declared as constexpr
functions, and
therefore cannot be used in this context. This is not a problem, since we can
simply replace the call to std::transform
with a loop. Adding a version that
takes an rvalue for the sake of completeness, and we are left with the following
Similarly, we will implement a binary_op
that takes two vectors. Using these
functions allows us to quickly implement all of the arithmetic operators by
simply passing in lambdas with that perform the corresponding operations.
The rest of the functions are implemented normally, until we reach the length function. Initially, we would implement it like this:
And we would be greeted with yet another compiler error informing us that
is not a constant expression and therefore cannot be used.
Unfortunately this means that we are going to have to implement our own
square-root function, which we can do fairly easily by using the Newton-Rhapson
approximation and a recursive function. The code shown here is adapted from
this gist.
At this point, we have successfully implemented the entire vector class and all the necessary functionality for our ray tracer! Now let’s talk about the ray class.
Shooting Ray
s and Camera
The ray class we’re going to be using here is a simplified version of the ray
class that is presented in PBRT. The only thing
that is special about this class is the fact that we’re going to be overloading
to act as the evaluation function for our ray. Mainly, it will look
something like this:
Where Point<T>
is just an alias for a vector. This is the only interesting
part of the class, so lets move on to the next part: the camera.
The goal for the camera class is to give us the direction of the ray for a given position on the image plane. Beyond this, the camera doesn’t need to deal with much else. Now we could argue that it would be worth implementing a common interface so we can create different cameras, but that isn’t worth it at this stage since adding things like fish-eye lenses or depth-of-field are more complex and generally tend to work better with random sampling, which present a problem as we will see later on. For now, let’s jump immediately to the thing we are rendering: the scene.
Light, Camera, Scene
Under normal circumstances, the design for a scene class would involve creating a generic interface and then setting up a series of sub-classes to represent the different types of scenes that we would want to render. So, we would set up something like this:
We would then setup a render function that would take a pointer to the base class and use it to render the final image:
Unfortunately, we are not in normal circumstances. Specifically, since we are running everything at compile-time, we can’t use any form of dynamic memory allocation, which means we can’t do runtime polymorphism. This would mean that we can’t use our nice interface setup… or can we?
While it is true that we can’t use runtime polymorphism, this does not mean that we can’t use compile-time polymorphism. Now, depending on how you define it, there are a couple of different ways that this could be accomplished in.
If it Looks Like a Duck…
A first attempt would be to simply remember that we have templates, and as a result we could write something like this:
This would solve the problem since we could pass in any object we wanted
provided it satisfied the way the scene
variable is used and provides all of
the required interfaces. This is fine (and certainly a valid solution), but this
type of setup is more akin to duck-typing than anything else. Furthermore,
notice that we just lost our interface. If we wanted to create additional
scenes, we would have to read through the code of the render
function to
figure out what the class is supposed to do (or look at the declaration of
whatever scene class we already have) and then implement it. Yes, the compiler
will enforce the contract that is established by the function, but this whole
affair seems very tedious and not very readable, so let’s try something else.
“Fine”, you may say, “since we want an interface, then let’s combine templates
with the interface for the Scene
class. That way we can still derive from it
and have a generic render
function”. Indeed, we could implement something like
And this does solve the issue, but the render
function is still using
duck-typing, which goes against what our original implementation had. What we
ultimately want is to have a render
function that explicitly says that it only
takes scenes, not a function that requires the templated type to provide a
certain interface. The return of the Scene
base class is certainly a step in
the right direction, so the question now becomes: can we figure out a way of
setting up the Scene
class so that we can write the render
function to be
as close as possible to the runtime polymorphism version? Unsurprisingly, the
answer is yes. Yes we can.
Curiously Recurring… CRTP
What we’re ultimately trying to achieve here is a function signature for
that looks something like this:
Let’s look at that “function” again. We want the render
function to receive a
scene of type T
, which in C++ would look something like this: Scene<T>
. This
implies that our base class would have to be templated, and the type of T
would now be the derived class… this seems like an oddly recurring pattern
doesn’t it? Almost like… yes! The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
solves the problem quite nicely.
If you’re unfamiliar with CRTP, then I would recommend this excellent article from FluentC++.
So, how are we going to set things up to use CRTP? Well the first thing we’re
going to do is to re-write the Scene
base class as follows:
Where StaticBase
is the base class for CRTP classes that was adapted from
here. The trace_simple
function will pass a ray along to test for intersection. If it hits something,
then it will return the colour of the object that the ray hit. We can then
implement our first scene like this:
And the render function can now be re-written to look like this:
And we’re all set! The render
function now looks as close as it can get to the
runtime version, and it allows us to explicitly pass in a Scene
Our scene is currently looking a bit empty, so let’s figure out how to add geometries.
s and Plane
Since we already have a pattern for defining a base and derived classes, we’re going to re-use it for our shapes. For the interface, all that we’re interested in is the following: does the ray hit? If so, return the material of the shape along with the hit information (hit point, normal, etc.). If not, then return nothing.
Based on this description, we would end up with an interface like this one:
Where ShadeRec
is the container for the hit information. We can then derive
this class to create two new shapes: Sphere
and Plane
. The question now is:
how are we going to store them?
ing a variant
Let’s pretend for a second that we aren’t running everything at compile-time. If we wanted to store a list of shapes, we could have this:
And then add shapes as we wanted. The big advantage here is that if we added more shapes, we wouldn’t have to change anything to be able to add them to the list.
So, how do we do this at compile-time? Well, to figure this out we’re going to have to look at our list in a different way. Consider this: if we ignore for a bit the fact that we’re treating the shape classes polymorphically, we can imagine that the list is “holding” all of the different types of shapes that we have. So we can imagine that internally it holds a list that contains two entries: sphere and plane. Now obviously this analogy is completely wrong for the code that we actually wrote, but it serves quite nicely to motivate how we’re going to solve this problem. In essence, we would need two things:
- Some type of list of all the shape types, and
- A container that holds the list of all shape types.
With this setup, we can then add new shapes into the container, and the type will be handled by the list. So, how do we actually set this up in C++?
First things first, let’s talk about the list of all shape types. What we’re
describing here is something very similar to what unions are in C. Basically we
want a structure that can hold different types. When we construct it, we would
assign it one of the types in the list and then use it as if it was that type.
Now the problem with unions is that they aren’t type-safe and there’s no
handling of constructor/desctructor or anything of the like. Fortunately, the
STL has something that does: std::variant
In order to bundle up all of the functionality attached to std::varaint
, we
are going to create a wrapper class for the shapes. This class will mirror the
interface of the shape classes, but will also manage the code that handles how
to use the std::variant
itself. So, we end up with something like this:
There’s a lot to unpack here, so we’re going to take it piece by piece.
First, let’s start with the template declaration. Notice that we’re taking a
parameter pack for one very simple reason: if we hard-code the shape types
directly into m_shape
, every time that we wanted to add a new shape we would
have to tack it on to the declaration of the variable. On the other hand, by
having the parameter pack in the template declaration of the class, we can just
modify the Shapes
alias without having to worry about the wrapper class
Next is the constructor, which does two things:
- The template uses SFINAE to ensure that the type that we’re trying to store
in the wrapper is one of the ones we declared the wrapper with (to prevent
any misuses of the class and provide better compiler errors). This is handled
. - It takes an rvalue reference to the object that it will store. Note that this
must be either an rvalue reference or a
since those are the only constructors thatstd::variant
has. For the purposes of this project, it makes more sense to take an rvalue reference since that way we explicitly transfer full ownership of the object to the wrapper.
The last piece of the puzzle is the hit
function. Note that this mirrors the
corresponding function in the shape class. This is on purpose, since this way we
can use the wrapper as if it was an object. The interesting part is the contents
of the function itself. Since std::variant
holds a list of possible types, we
need to be able to visit the active type so we can do something with it.
Hence, we use std::visit
to grab the active type held by the variant and call
its hit function in turn. By necessity, the lambda takes it’s only parameter by
since the type is itself a template.
Now that we have the wrapper, the only thing that is missing is the container for all the wrappers. The class looks like this:
Once again, we’re going to examine each part of the class individually, starting
with the Container
template. The point of this is to provide a generic class
that can hold any type of container (so it could use std::array
). Other than generality, the intent is to be able to explicitly
state whether the container can run at compile time. So, if we used an
it can be run at compile-time, whereas an std::vector
The constructor also takes an rvalue reference to the container it will hold for two reasons. First, the wrapper classes can only be constructed by rvalue reference, so the container itself must be taken by rvalue reference. The second reason is to, once again, explicitly show that we are taking ownership of the container (and all its items).
The final part is the hit
function, which does basically what you’d expect:
loop through every item in the container and check if the ray hits the shape. If
it does, return the result. If nothing hits, return nothing.
You’ll recall that whenever the ray hits a shape, it will return hit-data, which
includes a material. For the sake of simplicity, the materials will be
referenced by ID (just an index) in the shape classes. The materials themselves
follow the exact same pattern that the shapes do: a CRTP base, derived classes,
a material wrapper with std::variant
, and finally a container.
A Red Sphere
So, now that we have all of our foundations setup, let’s finally see how to
create our scene and render it. We first start with creating a new Image
and a
new camera:
Next comes the shapes and materials:
Notice the usage of decltype
to avoid having to explicitly write out the types
that the containers will hold. Finally, we forward all of this to the renderer
as follows:
The entire setup is then wrapped inside a constexpr
lambda to ensure that all
of the calculations happen at compile-time. The lambda then returns the final
image, which leaves our main
looking like this:
And that’s it! All that is left to do is to compile the code… and be prepared to wait for a while. Roughly 35 minutes later, the compiler will finish. If we inspect the generated assembly, we will notice that the bulk of the code is comprised of move instructions which are just assigning the different pixel values into the array, which is exactly what we wanted! All that is now left to do is run the program and we’ll be left with an image like this:
So, what did we learn in this trip?
- We have to be very careful when designing
functions to ensure that all called functions are themselvesconstexpr
. If the aren’t, we have to implement them ourselves. - We can use CRTP to produce static polymorphism which can be more expressive than more generic templates.
- We can use
to further static polymorphism by allowing us to have generic containers that hold a collection of classes with a common interface. - The compiler is able to perform very complex operations and create a ray-traced image.
- Compile-time ray-tracing is very slow (it’s at least 600000 times slower!).
This is not the end of the journey though! Join me next time where we will explore the following questions:
- Why is the compilation so slow? And can we do anything about it?
- Can we extend the material/shape system to create more complex scenes?
- Can we add multi-sampling?
and related algorithms are declaredconstexpr
in C++20, so it isn’t necessary for us to change the original implementation of theunary_op
functions if we enable the C++20 flag.- There is in fact a proposal
P1383 that seeks to mark
functions asconstexpr
. Unfortunately it didn’t make the cut for C++20, but maybe in the future they will be. - The reason we had to create the wrapper/container pattern for the shapes and
materials was that we couldn’t perform dynamic memory allocations in
functions (and as such couldn’t pass pointers to the base classes). In C++20 it is now possible to perform these, so theoretically we should be able to implement the code normally (through the smart pointers aren’tconstexpr
yet, so we’d have to do all the memory management ourselves).
The following are the references used for this article in case you wish to read more about the discussed concepts.
- 22/09/2024: Improved TOC and fixed some phrasing due to blog style changes.